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How To Use A Lead Magnet As Bait In Your Online Business

Today’s topic is about what you’re going to offer your customer avatar/target audience in exchange for their information. It’s called the lead magnet, in other words the bait or the bribe. How to build an online business in any niche, even if you’re brand new and starting from scratch.

5 Growth Hacking Tools for B2B Marketers

A few years ago, when I first time heard about growth hacking, I thought it’s just a buzzword; a startup jargon used only in San Francisco by guys with $3,000 suits and bare feet. But I was wrong!

Surviving Tough Times: Why Cutting Marketing Kills Your Business Fast

Now, I hear you asking: how does a business survive tough times? The first thing most entrepreneurs do is cut out anywhere they are paying out money, and often that is related to marketing. Whether it’s SEO, blogging, newsletters, social media or Google ads etc, it’s the first place you too might be looking to cut back.

Determine a (Hungry or Passionate) Target Audience

How to build an online business in any niche, even if you’re brand new and starting from scratch. Determine a (Hungry or Passionate) target audience There are only 2 reasons people move forward and buy a product or service: i. To move toward pleasure or ii. To move away from pain

5 Ways Your Competitors Are Making Money Online

The main reason that many people struggle when trying to make money on the internet is that they have no solid plan. They know that there are online ways to make money but they don’t know what to do or how to do it. Here are 5 ways your competitors are building a profitable online business.

More Customers, More Sales

We would all like more customers and more sales. Therefore it is necessary to bring more visitors to our website. I suggest you use both free and paid traffic. Paid traffic will bring visitors faster, build your list and therefore create sales faster. However a combination of free and paid traffic will build your customers best. Free traffic also known as organic, because of the way it grows 24/7, will continually increase, and build your list long-term.

SEO Vs PPC A Complete Overview of the Keyword Research Process

Whether you choose SEO or PPC for online marketing, keyword research is common to both. But is the keyword research process similar in both the cases? Or is it actually different, but connected when it comes to gaining some meaningful insights? Let’s find out.

How To Properly Market Your Product – Four Tips To Start An Effective Marketing Campaign

The right marketing strategy can provide your business product the necessary boost it needs for customers to recognize it. It can enhance your company and your product’s branding.

Why Should You Use Facebook For Internet Marketing?

Have you thought of how to acquire information today? What can you find most people doing at a given time? Those are the questions that advertisers look into.Traditional forms of marketing like TV targeted those that watched TV especially prime hours. Billboards targeted folks held up in traffic. In this changing world, most people are on online social media most of the time.

6 Strategies to Keep Customers Coming Back for More

What is more important (or difficult) – Attracting new customers or not losing those that you already have? And that’s exactly where most of the small business owners fail to make a cut. If you’re serious about growing your business, you should always strive to fulfill your customers’ requirements, enhance their experience and keep them coming back to use your products or services, over and over again.

Free Traffic? Bollocks

After over 1,000 hours of painstaking research, buying highly recommended products, sitting through interminable webinars, I’ve finally realised what’s going on. Through trial and error, mixed with as much brain power as I could muster, I have learned only TWO things. (Apart from the technical stuff every Internet marketer needs to know, of course). Only two. Quite sad, really. Here they are:

Get Added Mileage From Your Existing Media

If you’ve got content, make the most of it. If you’re like most online marketers you’re producing a great deal of audio and video content. And you’ve likely wondered if you’re getting maximum mileage from that content. The fact is, if you aren’t providing transcripts of your video and audio content you are missing out on some key opportunities.

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