The NTAS University Newsletter & Community

Part 2: Success Lessons From an Internet Marketer and Blogger at HIVE

In a previous article, I mentioned attending a HIVE session in which Yaro, an internet marketer and blogger spoke. I received lots of ideas which I promised to share to others. In this article, I continue explaining the success lessons I learnt from this internet marketer and blogger.

An Inexpensive Internet Marketing Technique

Apart from doing conventional marketing, entrepreneurs are now focusing on Internet marketing also because through this, they can reach hundreds of thousands of potential customers. Though conventional marketing techniques have their own strengths, Internet marketing is being opted for because of the fact that more and more people are searching on the Internet for their requirements of products and services. You should know the right strategy that should be adopted and follow it religiously so that your Internet marketing gets you the expected results.

Part 1: Success Lessons From an Internet Marketer and Blogger at HIVE

I attended a HIVE presentation in Brisbane a few months back. An internet marketer and blogger, Yaro spoke to share his tips and success lessons. I took quite a lot of notes and read them today. As there is quite a lot of useful content, I felt it would be worthwhile summarising them in an article.

Making Money From The Internet – The Answer To The Million Dollar Question

With people making so much money from the internet these days it can leave you asking: how do they do it? This is the million dollar question. Read on for the answer…

Best Data Entry Programs For Job Seekers

There are many different types of home typing jobs that don’t require experience and that pay very well, such as articles marketing and ad posting jobs. These are sometimes categorized under data entry. I’m sure you’ve seen the ads that say – “Get Paid To Enter Data Online” or “Make $200 A Day Typing. ” These are actually ad posting jobs and although many mistake them for get rich ads or schemes, they are not. They are actually very genuine programs in amateur marketing and can be extremely lucrative.

Set Your Sites on Your Target Market

Learning how to target market is one of the first things that a new business marketing student learns. In business school this is called Market Segmentation. Market segmentation enables you to target market like the big corporations do so it is an important thing to learn about.

Is There A Guaranteed Way To Making Money From The Internet?

Through out the history of man, we have been faced by different tragedies that may have spelt one form of financial crisis to another. Man has evolved methods to tackle the problems he faced during these uncertain times by looking for other means and methods to earn an income and provide for his family. We live in the age of the great internet revolution, opening up new frontiers and ways to communicate and trade with one another on a global scale. With the current financial crisis, we have found a new form of business and form of self-employment in the internet as we know now as internet marketing, linking buyers to prospective sellers through a vast cloud of information shared on a global level.

How to Write the Most Effective Headline Ideas for Internet Content

Choosing headline ideas for your sales copy, blog posts and article titles can be difficult if you make it that way. But, the truth is, headline ideas are as simple as following the following three tips: 1. Use Keywords — Using keywords in your headline ideas help search engines find your content, but there is more to it than that, you should also include your keyword within the first paragraph of your content, then pepper it throughout the rest of the content while still keeping the content informative and readable for humans.

Eight Secrets of Article Marketing Success

Article Marketing Success can make your business explode. Article marketing is a free way to get ranked on Google and promote any business.

Is There A Future In Becoming An Internet Marketer?

There are many examples and methods claimed to be the best out there in the Internet market arena. There are certain skills you will have to develop as an internet marketer in order to make a living out of the profession. This resource is a great resource used by billions of people whether in there day-to-day search for recipes, down to finding out the latest news and developments from remote areas of the world to high traffic metropolitan areas.

The Truth About Video Marketing: Let’s Get Real and Bust Some Video Myths

There’s a lot of hype these days surrounding Online Video Marketing. In fact, web video may have more myths and misconceptions than most Hollywood tabloid stories.

A Quick Video Marketing Tip

If you’re not using video marketing in your online business today, you’re missing out big time. Video is hot – people love it – and it’s a great way to get your message across in a quick, effective fashion.

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