Quit Your Job. Do This Instead

Business Kung-Fu – Being a Master of the Landscape

Being a skilled writer, an excellent web developer or an expert graphic designer will not in itself open up the opportunities to a flourishing business model. The setting up of a website, no matter how intricate should be considered by far the easiest part of the process that needs to be accomplished. Now, the tough part – getting a constant flow of targeted traffic to your website, and to convert these potential customers into sales figures.

Local Search Tips – Do I Require A Website?

local search and the fact that many small businesses still do not have a website the question many small business owners often ask is do you actually need a website to take advantage of local search? The question itself is more complicated than you might think and the answer isn’t easy.

Local Internet Marketing and Mobile Marketing to Your Local Customers

Local Internet Marketing and Mobile Marketing is a rapidly increasing need for local companies. Gone are the days of solely using newspapers, TV, mail, telemarketing and word of mouth for advertising purposes. These traditional advertising mediums are no longer enough to stay ahead in the competitive competition of the current marketplace. Now, local internet and mobile marketing are both seen as trends of advertising which are necessary for companies as they offer a means to increase their customer base and market. As technology is advancing so quickly companies must take advantage…

Setting Goals And How It Can Boost Your Online Sales

Making money in your online business doesn’t have to be something that is hard to do. You should know that if you want to get success in your internet business, there will be a few things that you will have to do. One of the main things that you will have to do is to set goals.

How To Achieve Goals In Your Online Business

If you want to have success in your online business, you can’t forget about setting goals. When you set goals, you layout the roadmap of things that you need to be achieving within a certain time frame. If you don’t meet the goals by a specified period of time, then it’s probably time to re-analyze your internet marketing strategy and try something new.

The Big 4 Local Search Positioning Factors

Local search has become a huge aspect of local search marketing. It helps businesses large and small reach local customers like never before. But getting on the map is just the start. Without a high ranking your map listing is essentially worthless. The path to achieving high local search rankings start with these 4 big factors.

The Reasons Why People Fail At Internet Marketing

This article gives you the main reasons why people continually fail at internet marketing. It also gives you the keys to becoming a successful online marketer.

Is Information Overload Keeping You From GOYA?

There’s a four-letter buzzword floating around these days that shows the way to internet marketing success in a nutshell. It’s called GOYA – Get Off Your… I can’t remember the last one, but it starts with A. Armchair, maybe?

Should You Submit To The Yahoo Directory?

When you first launch a website getting the kind of exposure you need to make it into the search results and get a decent ranking can be difficult. The Yahoo Directory offers one possible method to getting noticed and ranking decently within the search results on the big 3 search engines Google, Yahoo, and Bing. The question though, is it really worth the cost?

Your Own Online Business – 7 Reasons to Start It Today

Build your own online business. Find out 7 reasons to start it as soon as possible.

Discover How Internet Marketing Can Affect Your Business

What is Internet Marketing? Today, internet marketing is more than simply putting up a live website to market products and services. With millions of websites hovering in cyber space, businesses should get their hands on internet marketing information to come up with a skillful internet marketing strategy. With sufficient internet marketing information you will be able to attract an increasing number of potential customers to your website and grow your business.

The Small Company Local Search Advertising Advantage

Local search marketing has given small businesses an advantage on the internet that they’ve never had before. A chance to reach local customers through Google Places and Maps plus numerous other map related search engines and directories that really did not exist before. But many small businesses are not taking advantage of it and eventually their bigger competitiors are going to move in.

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