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How Online Marketing Rules Have Changed and Why You Should Keep Up With It

It is clear when running a business online that online marketing rules have totally changed the way people do business these days. Both individuals and business owners have changed the way they purchase products and conduct business in the online world. According to online marketing experts, prominent search engines are the most targeted way qualified prospects would find what you are offering. Therefore, your website or blog is seen as the most important tool to attract and convert interested prospects into leads.

SEO Changes: Google Post-PRISM

SEO is in a constant state of flux. In fact, change is one of the only consistencies to search. Most often, the algorithm changes that affect search results have no true bearing on searchers.

A Brand Audit Is The Best Form Of Brand Insurance

A brand audit can be thought of as brand insurance. When you think of the brands that dominate our cultural landscape, like McDonald’s or Apple, they are immediately recognizable by the golden arches or the silhouette of an apple with a bite out of it. But, there are other attributes that go into the brand that are more subtle – but just as critical to the success of the brand.

Translating Content

Let’s look into the topic of effectively translating your content into profits. When you hear translating your content into profits your mind is probably already thinking about conversions and the like. But, what if I were to tell you that there is a much bigger translation that no one ever really thinks about?

Naked Web Marketing – Part 1

Naked web marketing is about being lighter by revealing our true self as a small business owner while shedding the heavy work of pretentious marketing. Web marketing blows every other marketing medium out of the water when we see the real potential. When we focus on our own business we get bogged down, but when we focus on our market we grow, then we learn more and we grow some more.

Important Tips on Internet Marketing

Many people who have small businesses have never considered internet marketing or website design. Most small businesses have no idea what they need to do in order to get a website, get it up and running, and maintain the site. They often think that these are items that only larger businesses with larger budgets can have websites or need internet marketing.

How to Find a Reliable Internet Marketing Expert

There are a lot of self-styled internet marketing experts out there. Some of them know what they are doing, others know bits of what they’re supposed to be doing and make the rest up as they go along. And yet others just hope you won’t notice their pitfalls before you’ve paid them enough money!

Internet Marketing Basics for Newbies: Who Can You Believe?

Probably the biggest single problem faced by newbies (and sometimes even not-so-newbies) to internet marketing is to know who to listen to. There are so many people who claim to be experts, often with convincing proof in the form of screen shots and testimonials. Not to mention professionally written sales pages that can sell the internet marketing equivalent of ice to Eskimos.

Color Is Key When Planning Your Online Presence

Whether it is the color of the layout, font or background; it is important to carefully choose a hue that not only attracts clicks but influences potential consumers to act. Depending on the function of your site you want your color scheme to inspire pursuing of more information, enthrallment with a particular product you are featuring, or perhaps more importantly remembering the site for future referrals.

Paid Classified Ads For Your Internet Marketing Strategy

Paid Classified ads are a great way to attract new customers and execute your internet marketing strategy. Read the article below to learn how paid classified ads can affect your overall internet marketing strategy!

An Introduction To Search Marketing for Newbies

Search marketing is not something that any person who wants to do their marketing on the Internet should ignore. Regardless of your chosen niche, it’s important to get your site well ranked within the search engines.

How to Use Keywords Correctly

Keywords are still the bread and butter of any internet marketer, but you must be careful about how you use them. This article looks at the correct way to generate maximum effect.

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