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Why You Should Be an Affiliate Marketer Right Now

Have you been frustrated with your current job such that you will want to quit right away? Have you always hated your boss or supervisor such that you will want to shut their mouths up? Are you slogging long hours in your workplace every day and getting a meager salary every month? It is high time you put an end to this. Take control of your life right now and live happier than before. In this article, I will like to introduce you to an effective and easy way of making money online. This method is called affiliate marketing.

Statistical Significance in Split Testing

Sometimes, you want to change something on your website. You want to try a better headline, or a different page layout, or a different order button. It is highly advisable to try small changes like these every once in a while, because they can improve your conversion rates and profits. But how do you find out if your new page actually performs better than the previous one?

Statistical Significance Brings Confidence to Your Business Decisions

Every business owner sometimes has to come up with serious “either-or” decisions about their website or online promotion. Smart owners conduct some sort of tests or surveys to make an informed choice. But how much test data do you need to draw reliable conclusions? How much resources do you need to allocate for your tests, and how long should you run them? That’s where statistical significance can help you.

An Idiot’s Guide for Making Tons of Money Online Lightning Fast

One of the ever popular ways of making money online is through affiliate marketing. Using this method, you will be able to create additional income by being credited with commissions when the sale of the product of the merchant is completed.

Make Over $30k Per Month Effortlessly Through Affiliate Marketing Today!

Are you currently employed and yet frustrated with the meager salary that you are getting every month? Are you thinking of leaving your current job and intending to move towards a new direction in life? I believe that you must be struggling with yourself right now; you might think that if you quit your regular job right now, you could be losing a reliable source of income. However, I will like to put you at ease by introducing an easy way to make a decent living online by doing affiliate marketing.

Calculating Statistical Significance for Your A/B Tests

An A/B test allows you to choose the best headline, layout, order button or another element for your web page. You set up a test where you display two variants (A and B) to different website visitors in turns. You wait for a while. It turns out, after 200 visitors, that variant A produced 10 orders out of 100 visitors and the variant B produced 12 out of 100. So what’s next? Do you declare B the winner, adopt the changes and move on? If you learned a little about testing and statistics, you know that before drawing any conclusions, you need to determine the statistical significance of the result.

Internet Marketing – An Excellent Solution for Your Business

Internet marketing is an excellent solution for your business. It has great reach as millions of people access the Internet every day. You can save a lot of money and time by using internet to market your business.

Identifying a Hungry Market – Part 1

In our last article, we explained the key to success was not identifying or inventing a product that everyone wants, and then convincing them to buy it – in fact, it’s the exact opposite of that. Find out what the market wants and then sell it to them. “Ok – so that’s simple in theory but how do we do it in practice?”

Patience and Determination: Your Way to Success in Establishing Your Brand

There are many online marketers who keep on asking what the best strategy is in order to become successful in the business. With this question, many articles have devoted their time to give you suggestions to have a worthwhile online business. Yet, underlying those ideas, patience and determination are the secrets to online success.

Shutting Out Internet Marketing Noise for Online Success

When you decide to try your hand at an online business, you will need to cut through the hype and clutter of online marketers to find the proper ways to learn some solid training. This article discusses why you need to avoid what is called “marketing noise”.

What Must Be Considered Before Submitting Your Website to a Directory?

When you are considering a directory submission, it is always advisable to check a few things before submitting your website. Now, one great option is to submit your website to a human review directory. So, what is a human review directory? Human review directories are directories that are reviewed not by computers but by human beings.

Starting an Internet Business – Covering the SEO Basics

Looked at as a whole, the blog space is incredibly competitive. The key, when starting an internet business, is to try to avoid as much of that competition as possible while still driving traffic to your site. Skip a couple of critical SEO steps and that beautiful website and insightful blog may never be seen by enough people to become financially viable.

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