Make Money Creating Profitable YouTube Videos [Without Showing Your Face]

5 Questions To Answer If You’re Starting A Home Based Business

While the journey to success can be different for each person, the underlying question beneath it all is, “How long will it be until I start to make money from home?” So what is it that makes the difference between faster profits and having to wait? Here are 5 questions that you need to answer when starting a home based business.

Is Content Marketing Dead?

I recently returned from a seminar in London where a speaker said that paid advertising only was the way to promote your business in today’s world. That ‘free’ was dead! That would mean that content marketing should have no place in your promotional activities. That valuable free content served no purpose. I believe that the speaker’s statement was wrong and here’s why.

Making PPC Campaigns Pop Out

The best Internet marketing company would know that just having a PPC campaign is not enough. Not all campaigns for pay-per-click advertising are equal. Here are two tips to make a PPC campaign up to the level of expertise that a competent Internet marketing services company provides.

How Much of Online Ad Figures Are for Real?

According to the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB), fraud is costing the advertising industry about US$10b annually. A great deal of online ad figures reported are inflated and there is reason to question to the accuracy of such reports. As reported in the Financial Times (27 May 2014), this has caused ad giants to assemble new systems to help advertisers make sense of this mess and move the industry forward.

Are You Using These 4 Types of Content for Your Audience?

When I was first introduced to the idea of creating content to promote my makeup artistry business online I was stumped: What kind of content would I be able to create? What kind of content would my ideal audience want to see? Which kind of content would be better to promote my business online? This is what I discovered:

How to Optimize Your Website or Blog for Free

In order to get the most out of online marketing you want to optimize your efforts. This article gives three ways to make your online marketing efforts effective enough to capture your readers.

Several Fun Facts About Content Marketing

There are more than 25 million new pieces of content that is shared on the web daily. This article lists this and other fun facts about content marketing.

How to Become Successful At Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is a great tool for promoting a business and should be seriously considered by all business owners. Some of the basic knowledge needed to get started is listed below. Study these concepts and you should be able to develop better internet marketing strategies.

Understanding Online Promotion – A Must Read For All

Online promotion is very effective for all companies. There are various steps that can help one to have a successful online promotion campaign. These are: building a website, web designing, finding website directories to promote the site, and settling for one or more methods of advertising. Individual business owners can conduct such a company or outsource it to other skilled and experienced individuals.

Types of Online Advertising Methods To Consider

Online advertising is becoming very popular today because of the benefits associated with it. There are various types of online advertising that a business person should consider. These include: banner adverting, pay per click, blog advertising and promotional advertising. Business people should go for the most affordable one, the one that is easy to implement, and most effective.

The Many Benefits of Online Advertising

Not everyone who markets their products online gets to make sales. There is need to apply skills and various techniques such as search engine optimization in order to make sales. There are so many benefits you can stand to win with the best PPC strategy. All you need is a good PPC guide and you are good to go.

Introducing 4 Keyword Research Techniques to Optimize for Conversions

If content is king these days on the internet then the keyword is definitely queen. This article lists 4 keyword techniques, that you may have not thought of, that can help you get conversions.

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