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Incorporate Google Places in Your Business

Local search is an important element for small businesses and it has been seen that an increasing number of consumers is using search engines for finding information on small companies. This trend has been further augmented by mobile search. The resultant effect is that the searches add up to your dollars. The local customers are looking for your products and services. This is why you should make it easier for them to find you on the search engines and Google Maps. The place where it all begins is Google Places.

Winning Jobs and Making Money on Micro Job Sites

Do you want to make money on micro job sites? Here are some clever ideas.

Verify Your Local Business Through Google Places

PIN verification is one of the ways of identifying your business on Google Places. The need for PIN verification arises when it is needed to confirm that the person who claims and verifies the listing through the service of Google Places is really the business owner, or an authorized representative of the business. The verification of PIN code is sent to the business phone or address, after which it is entered into the Google Places account. After verification, the listing appears on Google.

I Want More Paying Customers – Where Should I Post My Content Online?

Go wherever you can interact with your ideal prospects and current customers. Once there, give them what they want–solutions to their problems, a reason to trust you, a relationship instead of a sales pitch, and easy-to-consume content in the formats that fit their lifestyle.

Internet Marketing – Is Finding Your Target Market Really Worth The Effort?

The answer to this question is ‘definitely!’ A more crucial question to ask is ‘how and where do you apply the effort?’ There is no doubt that Internet Marketing can have a huge impact on your business, but as with any type of marketing it’s only really worthwhile if it’s done well, especially in the highly competitive markets we have today. In this article I explain how Targeted Marketing can boost your bottom line.

Building A Home Business – A Guide To Achieve Success

Are you searching for a guide that is going to make it really simple for you to achieve success with the home business you have? Then you have landed in the correct place because this building a home business guide is just what you need.

Why You Must Grab the Micro Job Site Opportunity to Make Money Online

Have you signed up for a micro job site yet? If you haven’t you are missing one of the best opportunities to make money on the internet. Learn all about it here.

Are You Ready To Discover Google Maps Optimization

When you search for specific content on Google, you are likely to get thousands, if not millions, of different replies. However, these answers are ranked differently every time you search. The reason for this is the keyword usage, your location and the business category.

Traps to Avoid When Hiring From Micro Job Sites

You may have heard that micro job sites are a great place to get tasks done very cheaply. However, there are a few traps to be aware of so that you don’t end up with problems.

Website Analytics Is Critical For Improved Website Performance and Search Engine Optimization

Although powerful website analytical tools are readily available, few companies take advantage of the leverage that such tools can yield in improving their online presence. Ongoing analysis of how your target audience visits and engages with your website is absolutely necessary if you want your website to be a dynamic engagement, branding and selling tool as opposed to simply being a virtual brochure.

AJAX Application Development Simplified

AJAX, Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is a magical combination of various web development technologies. The term, AJAX, was coined on February 18, 2005 by Jesse James Garrett.

The Best Free Ways to Make Money Online

Looking to make money online without spending any money yourself? Here’s a clever way of doing it that may surprise you.

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