Advertising In A Digital Age

There’s much to be said for the power of advertising. It’s an industry that has helped many businesses flourish, and seen many others wither. Without a strong advertising campaign, it is very difficult for any business to get ahead – even if their products or services are top-notch.

Ways to Use Facebook in Your Internet Marketing Strategy

There are literally tens of millions of active users on Facebook. How many of them are on your friends list that you can advertise to? In this article, we’ll go over some of the better ways that you can expand the reach of your social network, and why doing so should be a key part of your Internet marketing strategy.

Tackling Your To Do List

As a small business owner you’re probably doing a ton of things yourself in your business – some you need to do but some also that maybe you shouldn’t be doing, right? In talking with hundreds of entrepreneurs every month I find that the majority of them (you/us) struggle with our to do lists.

Making Money Online The Easiest Way

Have you tried searching for money and failed to do so? You’re not alone so you should not worry too much. However, you search for money because you need it, so you still need to look for ways so that you can earn money.

How To Become Business-Savvy And Achieve Online Business Success

Starting a business can be the best route that we can take to earn money and become successful in the future. Many billionaires today were just like us before they decided to venture into business and made both right and wrong moves, yet overcame them and succeeded. What I’m trying to say is that we don’t have to be business-savvy so that our business will succeed.

The Power and Latent Advantage of Internet Marketing

Internet Marketing basically just means marketing through the use of internet. Unlike marketing through old media like televisions, billboards and the like. Marketing through this new media is proven to have a high potential in dominating the future marketing industry. The main reason of this is the efficiency of the internet whereby one can do twice the amount of work in half the time towards a huge amount of respondents at barely any cost at all. That is why major companies are slowly converting their usual marketing tactics into internet marketing tactics. With the same reasons internet savvy users are earning profits as well. All this possibilities of marketing is offered in not only high traffic sites, community sites, and portals like Facebook, Google, Yahoo, and the like but also in normal website as well.

Does My Membership Site Need to Have a Forum?

Extremely common question I hear is when I make a membership site should I add a forum to get people posting there, to have a community, and to keep members paying and coming back all the time. And you should think for a long time before adding a forum. You should make sure your site is established first and has content of your own before you start asking for content from other people.

The Profit-Pulling Facebook Marketing Trio

When it comes to social media and utilizing its awesome power, Facebook, which has somewhere around 600 million members, has created three major marketing tools. Each and every small, medium and large business should learn how to utilize these Facebook marketing features to create a strong presence on the web, increase sales and refine and expand brand recognition.

5 Main Benefits of Having a Home Base Business

Are you looking for an extra income at the comfort of your home? Then you must be referring to home base business. You simply need practical tools to begin; a computer and an internet connection and you are now ready to start your business at home.

Why We Won’t Do Business With You

I was having an interesting discussion with a friend today about a scheme where he had to make 20k on a one-time deal. I told him that those things don’t really interest me anymore and he was asking me why…it’s a great deal of money! While I agree that the money is tempting, I gave him two reasons:

Network Marketers – It Pays to Be Persistent

How many out there are skeptical when they think of the words network marketing? Do the words Pyramid scheme, scam, and illegal pop up in your head? You are skeptical of network marketing because you simply don’t know and that isn’t a bad thing. Everyone is inexperienced when they come to something new.

Internet Marketing and Flash

Using flash for Internet Marketing certainly has it’s benefits. It’s attractive, exciting and can even be interactive. It doesn’t do much for your Search Engine Optimisation, but it certainly encourages traffic to stay on your website and have a look. Flash is modern – long gone are static websites and websites completely full of text.

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