How To Scale Your Business to $40,000 A DAY (WITHOUT HAVING MONEY) #shorts

Is Hummingbird the End of SEO?

While we’ve all been using it, unaware mostly, for the last two months, Google last week officially announced its new Hummingbird algorithm. Hummingbird’s main focus is to make search, specifically verbal searches on mobile devices, more natural. To accomplish this requires technology to become more ‘human’, which is what Google has done.

Ideas On How To Brand Your Website

In this article I am going to discuss how you can go about branding your business website. Once you fully understand what your brand is then you can begin to convey that message on your website.

What Keywords Should I Use on My Website?

The question of what keywords to use on your website has been around since the first search engines tried to make sense of the pages they encountered on the fledgling internet. It’s got a bit more sophisticated since then but the concept of keywords has stuck. Hence this question gets asked a lot.

Best Digital Marketing Agency

In today’s connected world, people interact via a whole range of devices and media. PCs, laptops, tablets, smart phones and mobile phones are the conduits through which messages can be exchanged and apart from these, emerging technologies in gaming consoles, wearable devices, etc are being included in the mix.

How to Make a Marketing Video for YouTube

If you’ve searched for almost anything online in recent years, chances are that you’ll have come across at least one video marketing whatever it was you searched for. And something should have triggered in your mind along the lines of “why don’t I do that?” The good news is that you can – just follow these instructions!

Get Your Small Business Found Online

We can speak from first-hand experience that we understand the pain a small business owner goes through with creating and promoting a business online. It takes time and knowledge to learn the best marketing strategy and tactics to get your small business found online. Remember that marketing is an investment, not an expense, therefore you must invest wisely to achieve the greatest ROI.

How to Rock at Marketing

Schedule your marketing and be consistent, asking clients what they need, and sharpen your copywriting skills. Track results, do what works, and soak up knowledge to better serve your market.

6 Reasons Why Free Content Is Crucial to Your Success Online

Free content establishes your expertise, allows you to reach more people at once, gives you more of an online presence, allows you to help more people at once. Having a communication plan where you connect with your market strategically and consistently is pretty non-negotiable, and at the heart of that plan is free content. Content is the “glue” that bonds you to your audience of prospects because it helps build lasting connection and trust between you. Online, a lot of emphasis is placed on building a list of subscribers, which is absolutely important. But it’s not enough to simply build that list, because as we know, the REAL fortune is in the follow-up!

How To Get Targeted Traffic Using The Power Of Article Marketing!

If you are just starting with your online marketing business and is relying on the web to provide you traffic and conversion, then you must at least start by thinking how you can drive traffic or visitors to your website. Surely, there are lots of effective methods to do this but let me share with you one of the most efficient ways – Article Marketing.

Three More Internet Marketing Trends to Expect in 2014

We recently talked about three of our most expected internet marketing trends for 2014, but when we got done, we realized there were more. In fact, there are A LOT more, but we’ll just keep it focused on the three for now since that’s a good number that is easy to digest.

Top 3 Ways To Use Your Short Report

One of the most powerful things you can create in your online marketing business is a short report. There are three ways you can use your short report: give it away as a free report, sell it on your website or sell it on Amazon.

Keys to a Killer About Page That Gets Results

Did you know that the About page is one of the most visited pages on your website? So many business owners are missing a big opportunity when they treat this page as a mere afterthought. Often they’ll simply add a short bio or corporate-style resume and leave it at that.

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