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Is Your Website Ready for Company?

I often say that networking for business on Facebook and Twitter is like going to a singles bar. Lots of people to talk with, some duds and some great conversations.

6 Quick Inexpensive Marketing Tips In A Slow Economy

Businesses and practices all over are feeling the crunch of this slow economy. Below are 6 quick inexpensive tips to help you market your business and to be seen. Broaden your horizons – for now. With today’s changing marketplace, look for additional products or services you can offer to compliment your specialized area and increase your bottom line. When things improve, you can return to your specialized area. Who knows, you may even find another profitable area to “niche.”

4 Psychological Triggers You Can Use On Your Home Business Website

People are moved to take action in their every day lives for many different reasons and they are enticed to do so in many different ways. And internet marketing is no different because many marketers and home business owners online use psychological triggers on a regular basis to help close the sale or to encourage prospects to join their email list. Bearing this in mind here are 4 ways you can persuade your website visitors to do what you want them to do.

How to Use Websites, Blogs, and Social Marketing

An in-depth guide to get you up to speed with Internet marketing, written in an easy quick to read style by an expert in this field. Before we jump in with all the exciting new tools available, let’s take a step back and think about what you want to achieve.

Christopher Columbus Loves You

This will probably offend a few of you. Believe me…I have nothing but love in my heart today. And if your assumptions are challenged or delicate sensibilities are disturbed, I honestly and truly apologize…and at the same time I don’t care.

Creating Content Using Free Google Tools

Creating content is an integral part of any business marketing strategy online since it is used for so many different applications! This is why it is so important to have some type of content development strategy in place since its need and use will be both constant and continuous! Read more to see 3 very effective ways to use free online tools to develop all the content you’ll ever need!

Tips for Women Entrepreneurs: How to Pick a Niche With Income Potential

Women are finding that online information businesses provide them with needed income and time flexibility – but how to choose a niche with income potential? This article provides three issues to consider before making this vital decision.

The One Mistake That Will Damage Your Reputation and Cost You Business

Most business owners truly care what customers think. Whether the business owner cares what customers think because they want to provide goods and services that are beneficial or simply because they want customers to buy from them again isn’t important. Or is it? Believe it or not, the decision to not do business with you again is NOT the worst thing that can happen with an unhappy customer.

The Quick Ways to Make Money

A few years ago I had been in a major financial ditch and I thought to myself that I must find quick ways to make money. So I went on a search.

Internet Marketing Strategies That Lead To A Profitable Business

You can’t have a profitable business if you don’t know Internet marketing strategies. Those strategies help increase your web traffic and actually can attract more clients. Learn more about them from this piece.

Google Places Reviews: How to Get Them for Your Business

Google Places reviews are a great way to promote your business. Positive reviews are sometimes the deciding factor in choosing a business. Learn how to make your listing stand out from the crowd. Learn to promote positive reviews.

5 Ways to Make Money With ClickBank

ClickBank is the largest online marketplace for all types of digital products. There are several ways to generate cash from this site and it can be your source of bread and butter if you know exactly what you are doing.

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