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Entrepreneurs: 3 Tips For Building Your Client List From Zero

Successful entrepreneurs all have one thing in common – carefully constructed client lists. However, it always seems like they magically made their client list appear. The truth is, most have to work hard to build a client list. It doesn’t happen over night. However, with patience and a little insight you can take your client list from zero to profitable.

SEO and SEM Basics: Submitting to Search Engines

Part of every good SEO strategy includes the search engine marketing (SEM) practice of submitting your website and its individual pages to search engines and directories. When you do you make it easier for them, and your prospects to find you, which will improve your organic search results. In this article I teach you how to submit your site for free and as part of a paid search campaign.

Entrepreneurs: How to Make Your Business Videos Pop!

One of the best ways to tell your audience more about your business, brand and products is by making your own business videos. Video marketing can be used almost anywhere. From presentations to additional information on your website to showcasing yourself on YouTube, there is a place for your video marketing. Entrepreneurs often gain clients simply through creating sensational videos. The key is learning how to make these little pieces of marketing magic really pop.

The Virtual Assistant: Online Jobs Information and Tips

The position of the virtual assistant is a rather new category for administrative professionals. If you have the skills to assist business owners with personal and administrative support, consider researching online jobs information related to virtual assistance. Virtual assistance jobs are like starting a long-term relationship. The individuals who have these organizational skills are making a life and career out of helping the micro-business owner.

2 Fundamental Facts To Damage An Online Reputation

This article discusses briefly how a mean and arrogant business owner experienced an online backlash that led to the demise of the company. The article offers specific examples of what to do, if a business owner wants to trash their online reputation.

The Biggest Issue in the Internet Marketing Community: It’s Not Your Fault!

The industry has been lying to you in order to sell products. They are using your own preconceived notions against you.

To Survive Be Different From Local Business Competitors

Local search is a huge opportunity for small businesses everywhere. Google’s maps and places allow businesses to show up in front of local consumers ready to buy. But your competition also knows what a great opportunity it is and they are doing everything they can to stay at the top of the search results. The question you need to ask yourself is, what are you doing to be different? Local companies need to stand out from the competition.

Entrepreneurs: It’s All About The Relationship With Your Customer

The first thing an entrepreneur must learn is the value of the customer relationship. Without customers, you have no business. However, to create these relationships isn’t just about selling products to nameless people. Genuinely show your customers you care, and you’ll find your business experiencing an entirely new level of growth. The question is how to create lasting relationships of value.

Follow These 10 Commandments to Triple Conversions of Prospects to Customers

One of the key drivers of successful promotion, advertising, and marketing is to go where your customers are, every day. Whether you believe it or not, your prospects and customers are online using social media every day.

Building Wealth With Internet Marketing

Confused about how to succeed with Internet Marketing? Finding a path to success is easier than you might think. Simplify your life as an internet marketer and shorten your path to success with these simple tips.

3 Internet Marketing Trends You Need To Know For 2012

Internet marketing trends come and go – but every good internet marketer and business owner knows which trends they can use and which ones will fall by the wayside. Read our predictions for 2012 here.

Entrepreneurs: The Benefits Of Outsourcing To A Virtual Assistant

Be overwhelmed no more! It is a wonderful fantasy to assume you can take care of every single aspect of your business by yourself. But fantasies don’t have a place in business. The sooner you realize you need help, the sooner you’ll be on your way to getting back to building your business. Your first thought may be whether it’s time to hire employees or not. No, you don’t have to hire anyone just yet. Instead, conquer your overwhelm, and consider outsourcing.

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