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How Bouncy Is the Copywriting on Your Web Site?

The other day a potential client mentioned to me that the average bounce rate on his web site is 49%. Sounds bad, doesn’t it? That’s because all your competitive business instinct tells you that it would be preferable to have a low bounce rate. But sometimes a higher bounce rate may not be quite as dreadful as you think it is. In this article a multi-award winning copywriter from Ireland explains that while a high bounce rate on a website is not always a bad thing – it most certainly is bad – very, very bad – if it is caused by poor copywriting.

What Is a Marketing Network?

What is a marketing network? Can it help you and your business? In this article, we’ll explore what a marketing network is, and the advantages that come with one.

Learn How to Make Money Through the Internet

Want to learn how to make money through the internet? We’ve got a few easy ways for you to get started and learn the ropes. Read on!

Your Point of View Gets Your Stuff Read

Anyone marketing online in the late nineties knows it didn’t take much at all to get someone on your subscriber list. It took even less for them to stay on your list. Online marketing was such a novelty; people read just about anything they received. Fast forward to 2013. Building a list of subscribers takes more effort than ever before. Keeping them on your list is more of a challenge too.

Best Ways on How to Make Money From Home

Want to know some of the best ways to make money from home? We do too, but we’ll one of the ways that we know of, broken down in an easy three-step format. Read on!

How to Make Extra Cash Without Spending a Small Fortune

Making some extra cash, whether it be for some extra pocket money or as another income source, doesn’t have to require a large investment. There are a few ways to make some decent money without spending a small fortune. In this article, we’ll examine how.

A Brief Look Into How to Make Money

Making money is easy, it’s the work that becomes before it that’s hard. In this article, we’ll show you a few ways on how to make money.

Internet Video Marketing for All Its Worth

Internet video marketing is extremely effective in today’s market. In this article, we’ll give a brief outline of how effective internet video marketing can be.

Understanding Local Business Marketing

A misconception a lot of people hold regarding local business marketing is that they need to compete against the large companies. That is not the case. The fact is that a business merely has to out perform the other companies within your locality. Presently there are numerous ways of achieving this based on your location and niche. Presently there are techniques that all small business sites should embrace, however there are additionally numerous tasks that need to be customized in favor of the individual company.

Exploring Three Keys To Doing A Better Job Making Money Online

The idea of making money online is something that appeals to a lot of people – and yet, many people never accomplish their goals in this area. Here are some tips and thoughts to help you succeed where others are failing!

Lead Generation: Targeted Leads

It seems like marketers everywhere are buying into the idea that the reason why they’re not making any money is because they’re not generating enough leads in their business. I can’t begin to count all of the different advertisements on the internet that target marketers- claiming to have a solution to their lead generation problems.

Shoe-In Money Review – Is a 132k Possible With Shoe-In Money?

Jeremy Shoemaker is the author of Shoe-In Money. Jeremy reveals his step by step approach to building an online business. The blueprint system cost $47.00 and there’s only 1 module on here that I think is worth investing the $47.00 bucks in.

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