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How to Blog With Purpose (the ROI in Blogging)

Exceptional business blogging has evolved into a sophisticated form of online marketing. Today, technology defines how we digest every form of information and for many websites blogging has become a powerful part of their lead generation process.

Why Does Google Change Website Rankings Over Time?

Time and time again we see websites launch with average organic rankings at the 3rd-5th page, only to drop drastically later on. We also see this happen when a peak in organic website visits is followed by a significant drop. The average organic rankings are based on the algorithms of the search engine, and do not involve paid search marketing. However, both of these cases always lead to clients asking us: Why?

Reasons Why Article Marketing Is Still Important

Despite the changes in search engine algorithms, article marketing remains to be one of the most relevant and effective approaches in online marketing. Here are some reasons why this technique will always be an important part of the business.

How to Nail Down Your Market of Interest

If you happen to be in an Internet marketing workshop, chances are you have gone through the part about identifying market niche. Usually, this is where you are asked to look up for some keywords online using tools to evaluate the market demand represented by those keywords. This is no doubt an effective approach. Not only it is one of the fastest ways to identify an online niche market, it is also the perfect way to deliver a result-oriented lesson in a classroom setting.

There Is a Long Path to Online Marketing Success

With each passing day, the trend of online marketing is growing as more and more businesses are keen to follow this style of marketing for the obvious benefits it offers. Ironically, a majority of people wanting to go for online marketing are not really aware of how it works and from where they should start. This subject is very vast.

Just in Time Learning

When someone starts in the internet marketing arena, and wants to start building a business, they would most invariably get on to the list of an internet marketer. If they are lucky, or have done a bit of research, they may come across and get on to the list of a reputed internet marketer, who doesn’t use their list to squeeze out every penny from a prospect by promoting one ‘too good to be true’ offer after another. You know the ones that say ‘press a few buttons and make millions’ or ‘3 click to overnight millions’.

A Successful Path to Internet Reputation Stardom!

Does your company need reputation marketing to regain a positive internet image? Read this article and learn about the success that such effort can achieve!

Copywriting Tips for a Successful Landing Page

It’s important to remember that the goal of your landing page is to convert your visitor and get them to take your desired action. Your landing page should be highly focused and deliver the right message to the right audience at the right time. Here are some tips to help you create a successful landing page.

Failure to Plan Means You Are Planning to Fail

The heading of this article is something that is pretty much drilled into us from a young age. I must admit it was something I did not worry too much about, until I started my internet marketing business. When I started, I didn’t really have a solid plan.

What Is Up Selling And Why Should You Use It?

In this article I am going to discuss how to increase your sales by using up sells. I shall describe what this is and how to use it effectively in your marketing efforts.

What Is Cross Selling and Why Should You Use It?

In this article I am going to discuss how to increase your sales by using cross selling. I shall describe what it is and how to use it effectively in your marketing efforts.

Using Content and Social Media Marketing Effectively

Internet marketing has changed a lot over the years. Social media marketing and content marketing are two things that should be a part of your strategy today.

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