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Owning a Groupon-Type Site

The recent popularity and success of Groupon-type websites point to one thing: owning such a site is a worthwhile investment. The appeal of this alternative advertising platform is obvious, with benefits ranging from exposure for small businesses to the 50% fee retention for the host site.

Going Viral – A Closer Look At Successful Viral Engagement

A in-depth look at viral marketing; defining exactly what viral is, and why it spreads as quickly as it can. And most importantly, finding that x-factor that means the difference between a viral success and a flop.

Your Personal Blueprint To Make Money Online

You can make money online. The steps are simple, but there is no “easy money” in Internet marketing despite what many so-called experts tell you. However, with the right blueprint, you can be on the right path to building yourself a profitable online business. This article lays out the your blueprint for success in creating and building your online business.

Magical Mentoring Revealed Through Your Contact List

Why the heck would you need a mentor? Your a great internet marketer! Is there a marketer that you look up to?

This Literally Made Me Fall of My Seat!

Your goal as a content marketer is to get your readers to read every single word of your article. Some would say that your article works a bit like a slippery slide, like this:

What Is Step by Step Internet Marketing?

Step by step internet marketing, in my opinion is the systematic process of marketing a product on the internet; using four parts of a system called the “symphony of four parts”. This article will explain the four basic parts of internet marketing using a step by step internet marketing process.

Can Press Releases Help Your Business?

A press release is a powerful publicity tool that is used by large and small businesses to bring awareness to their company or products. A well written press release makes an announcement about your business in a newsworthy fashion; television networks, radio stations, magazines, newspapers, and online resources all publish press releases that contain interesting stories. Business owners therefore can use press releases to share relevant stories while bringing attention to their company or brand.

Want To Be a Successful Internet Marketer? Learn Apple’s Marketing Strategy

To be on top of the game takes a combination of hard work, common sense and a little bit of smartness. Fortunately, with so many individuals and corporations out there who had proven their worth, you can pick a role model to follow and emulate their success. In this article, you will see that you can emulate Apple’s marketing strategy to fast-track your progress to become a successful internet marketer.

The Incredibly Important Ending To Your Sales Letter

Do you know the most read portion of any sales letter? Knowing this can help you to dramatically increase your conversions.

How Google Uses Long Tail Keywords

Essentially, the term “long tail” is used to refer to website searches of terms that have more that three words. Often, when a user has a particular search he would like to browse for, he would always go for a targeted search as opposed to a general one. Any website owner who would like to make use of one of the best marketing strategies should think of using long tail keywords. If you are not familiar with this term, you might be asking yourself, how does Google use long tail keywords?

The Strategy of Using Long Tail Keywords for SEO: Why They Are Useful

Many businesses understand the importance of good SEO, especially when they realize that this can help increase search traffic and bring in additional visitors to their site. Of course, the real idea is to bring in quality search traffic that converts to sales.

How To Run A Successful Online Business

There is no doubt that running a business online is equally profitable as running the same business locally. In fact, online businesses are even more marketable than the local ones because they have the ability to attract clients from all parts of the world as long as they are active internet users. So, what does it take to run a successful business online?

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