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Internet Marketing: Why Niche Research Is An Absolute Must

Hey guys! I hope you’re doing great these days. Here’s a quick question for you: What would you consider indispensable in this profession where marketing strategy is concerned? You only have to look at the title for my answer. That’s right: Niche research. If you want to know why I say it’s an absolute must, then read on.

Internet Marketing Strategy: Increasing Conversions

Hey guys! I hope you’re doing extremely well, both in biz and in life. We’re all concerned with generating traffic for our site/s. The more people actually know of our existence, the better it is for us. Heck, without a kickass advertising campaign that gets people to our landing pages, we might as well be dead.

Internet Marketing Techniques for a Successful Online Business

Internet marketing always entails careful and wise application of various techniques so that the goals for the business can be achieved. There are about more than a million internet users who search for the same thing like information or products, and this only shows that online business is very competitive. Thus, it can also be difficult just to hit the perfect approach for marketing online.

Internet Marketing Mentoring Strategies – The Powerful 3T’s

Today’s internet marketing mentoring tip is “The Powerful 3T’s of Internet Marketing”. The first (and most obvious) is TRAFFIC! Yeah, no secret here.

One to One Communication Works Wonders

One to one communication is about sending mail directly to the recipient. Direct mailers can either be simple letters or complex 3D creatives. A 3D mailer pack usually comprises a letter, product booklet, a prop and a response form. The content, written in a friendly tone, is usually personalized. The enclosed prop must have some functional value, and the call to action has to be effective and persuasive.

Improving Conversion Rates: How Do You Get The Unconverted To Convert?

How’s it going guys? I hope everything is awesome on your end. Conversion rates. They can be such a pain, can’t they? They’re very complicated to achieve unless you’ve got everything just right. Getting people to visit your site only takes an attention-grabbing headline, and they’re off! Unfortunately, traffic generation is not the issue. Conversion rate is.

Lifestyle Design Tips: My Business Purpose

Hey there! Hope life is going awesome for you as it is for me. Got a quick question for you: Why are you in this biz? What’s your primary purpose? The reasons are many and varied. From making money to touching lives, your reason for being is as important as your advertising efforts. Hell, it’s even the most crucial part of your biz. If you can’t define what that is, you’re not going to find meaning in what you do. And if you can’t find meaning, then it’s not going to be fun.

Lifestyle Design Tips: Setting Priorities

Hey there! I hope everything’s going swell on your end as it is in mine. Have you ever noticed how we Internet marketers forget to set priorities? Sometimes, we get so overwhelmed with how big our ventures have become, how the number of sites that we manage have grown, how many activities we need to accomplish during the day that it can be a very frustrating experience just trying to get everything done.

Why You Need Internet Marketing Gurus

Hey there! Hope things are going swell on your end. I just came from a bout of flu. But it’s amazing how something as inconvenient as getting sick could serve as a seminal idea for this article. I choose to see parallelisms, not minor discomforts and it’s a cool thing.

Defining Internet Marketing Strategy

Hey there! I hope you’re doing awesome these days. Internet marketers like you and me are always concerned about the strategy we use to market our business. It’s right that we should. Heck, without a sensible strategy, we’ll be like driftwood, just floating along, bumping on rocks and getting hopelessly stuck. Your strategy is the roadmap of your business. It answers the question: How far do I want this baby to go?

Engaging Your Internet Marketing Team

Hey guys! I hope everything’s going well in your neck of the woods. It’s surely going swell in mine. As an Internet marketer, your team is one of your assets. Without them, you’d be forced to do everything on your own. Without them, you’d waste precious time accomplishing routine tasks- time which would have been better spent at leveraging your products. Without a team, you’ll be doing yourself a disservice.

WordPress Classified Ads: How to Create Your Own Profitable Classified Ads Site With WordPress

As I’m sure you are aware, the online classifieds business is huge. Sites like Craigslist, Oodle, USFreeAds and Backpage have massive traffic every day. Did you know you can use WordPress to build your own classifieds site and get your piece of this online classifieds pie?

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