Press Release Marketing For Reputation Management

Many people are shocked by the sudden appearance of damaging information in the search engines. Even if these reports are not true, they will still be on the Internet.

Selling Services: What “Benefits” Do You Deliver?

Sell services? What makes your business better than the thousands of other businesses selling the same services? Why should I call your company? Website visitors want to know one thing: What’s in it for me? Tell them that, quickly, and more visitors will stay on your website longer. Benefits sell. Hype doesn’t.

Using Double Motive Marketing

Over the last few weeks I have been introduced to a few companies that seem to be hitting a bit of a brick wall when it comes to social media marketing. What is causing the brick wall to form and what solution is there?

It Ain’t About Me – It’s All About YOU!

Copy writing is an art that requires the attention of a master to place first prize. There’s one thing you can do above all else to make your sure your copy writing is an award winning item.

Five Guerrilla Marketing Tactics Worth Trying Out – Part 3 – Creating A Meme To Promote Your Brand

Take a tip from an experienced guerrilla marketer. Most business people get so involved in their businesses that they start forgetting that people are not just leads, but they are people like anyone else out there. If you do not take the time needed to come up with something fun and creative that will catch their attention, then you may as well give up trying as they will not even notice you or what you have to offer.

The Power of Dynamic Remarketing

Here’s a great tip to improve the odds that a visitor to your website takes the action you want. The secret lies in giving them a helping hand…

How You Can You Make Money Quickly While Building Your Business

In this article I am going to discuss how to make money while you are building your online business. Often people don’t see any results for months and months and this can be very discouraging.

How To Set Up An Automated Sales System

In this article I am going to discuss what you need in order to set up your own automated sales system whatever niche your business might be in. Having things automated leaves you with more time to focus on the important things such as relationship building content creation.

Three Tips to Help You Choose the Best and Most Profitable Niche

A vast majority of newbie to internet marketing as well old folks too spend a lot of time looking for products to promote, in this article I am going to expose the reason you should avoid this approach and instead concentrate on finding a niche audience to serve. You would discover as you read further why and how to arrive at a niche of interest and at the same time a profitable one.

5 Fundamental SEO Strategies That Can Double Your Business

Recently, I was asked to make a TV appearance and share 5 SEO strategies that entrepreneurs can use to double the amount of traffic coming into their website. It seems that more and more business owners are realizing that just having a website is not enough. A good SEO strategy is essential for driving people to a website. Let’s take a look at 5 different SEO strategies that literally have the power to double the amount of people coming into your website.

Online Business: Don’t Reinvent the Wheel

In this article I am going to discuss why you need to follow what has already been proven if you want to see success with your online business. There is no point in reinventing the wheel if someone can give you a path to follow that has been proven.

Do You Know Enough To Make Money Online?

In this article in this article I am going to discuss what you need to know in order to make money online. You see, there are a lot of people who think they can’t make money online because they know nothing about Internet marketing.

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