3 SIMPLE Ways To Make Money Online At Home

5 Simple Ways to Discover Your Own Niche Market

Some novice entrepreneurs believe the best way to boost sales is to offer products or services that appeal to the widest number of people possible. While this notion might sound logical on the surface, it is actually incorrect. The best way to generate sales, actually, is to appeal to a targeted niche market.

World Cup 2014, From Brazil to the Internet

Couldn’t make it to Brazil to watch the World Cup 2014? Not a big problem! The World Cup is coming to you. Check these social media campaigns done by social networks and brands to help you follow up with this event online for a more enjoyable experience.

Penguin and SEO Company

Google Penguin 3.0 Update due any day. Are you ready?

9 Words and Phrases That Communicate to the Subconscious Mind

NLP gives a way to communicate with the subconscious mind. This article tells you how to use NLP to communicate with the subconscious minds of those who read your ads, articles, blogs, etc.

2 Conversion Rate Optimisation Myths That Will Cost You Dearly

Conversion rate optimisation myths, like completely rewriting a landing page to improve conversions, can cost you dearly in both time and money. Learn how to avoid these optimisation myths and what to do instead to quickly boost online sales and overall online profits.

7 Basic SEO Tips For WordPress Websites

The most widely used website building platform on the internet is WordPress and these simple search engine optimization tips for WordPress websites will come in useful if you are in the process of building a website for your online business or even if you already have a WordPress website online. WordPress websites are easy to use and set up for any type of online business. But just creating content and putting it onto your website does not mean that your website will be seen by the search engines.

How to Use Envy to Your Online Marketing Advantage

There are plenty of people who tell us that we should not compare ourselves to others or envy what they have. This may be true but the truth is that envy is an involuntary reaction. This article tells you how to use envy to your advantage.

How to Push Hot Buttons to Increase Sales

There is a saying that says “People buy with emotions and then justify with logic.” This article tells you how to push people’s hot buttons and get them emotionally involved in the buying process.

5 Essential Reputation Management Habits

Reputation management means managing or controlling your online reputation, i.e. how you are seen by the public on the web. When you search for your name or company name on a search engine, what results pop up? Are the negative or positive? Just because you find negative results doesn’t mean your career is over but it does mean you are losing valuable sales. And even if you find positive results, that doesn’t mean that you have nothing to improve upon.

How You Leave Money on the Table If You Don’t Use a Squeeze Page

Many people who sell on the internet do not use a squeeze page. This is one way that they leave money on the table. This article explains why.

8 Squeeze Page Mistakes to Avoid

There are plenty of articles circulating that detail the importance of having squeeze pages. This article will list eight squeeze page mistakes that should be avoided.

6 Squeeze Page Success Tips

A squeeze page is an important part of the online sales funnel. This article gives six tips to help you develop a winning squeeze page.

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