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5 Types of Customers You Will Meet in Your Online Business

Customers play a large part in all businesses whether an online business or a brick-and-mortar business. The customer is responsible for the profit of the company. They also provide the most honest feedback on the success or failure of a new product or service as they often vote with their wallets. If most of them purchase a new product and continue to do so, the new product is successful. But if they don’t it shows that some changes have to be made to the new product if it is to appeal to them. However, not all customers are the same and they way most businesses communicate with their different customers will determine if they will gain a loyal ‘fan’ or a disgruntled customer for their online business venture. Through my years of customer service experience, customers can be of the following 5 types…

Increase Traffic and Get Your Site Appearing in Google

There are two items you need to be aware of and these two items will give you the foresight to determine if the work you are doing will be able to get you on Google’s radar. These two items are Traffic and Competition.

Notification Bar – 5 Ways To Use A Notification Bar on Your Website

A notification bar is a great way to grab a visitor’s attention no matter what page of your website a browsing person happens to land on. In this article I am going to share with you 5 reasons that you should be using a notification bar on your website.

Yeah for Ivanka Trump: She Wrote The Book 2 Years Ago and Her Message Holds True Today

Everyone knows Donald Trump and the Trump Network. If you don’t, there are a zillion articles out there and you can read all about it. Google it and you will can spend a week learning about people’s opinions if Trump Network is a scam or not.

Two Free Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Website or Blog

So you want to make money online? You have built your own website or paid someone to build it for you. You may have also written some articles and built links through article marketing and blogging. However, a few down the line and you still aren’t receiving any traffic to your website, now what do you do?

Looking For An Easy Way To Make Money Online?

If you are looking for a quick and easy way to earn some money online, you actually have a lot of options. So without further ado, let us look into some of these quick and easy ways to make money online.

How to Set Up an Online Sales Funnel

Many people get into a business be it a traditional small business, a network marketing MLM program, or a direct sales business and they begin to push their sales process. The best way to do this is to buy dirt cheap leads, no more than ten cents each and you get on the phone and survey the people you speak with.

Market Your Business Online: This Doesn’t Have To Be Rocket Science People

If you have heard about the internet that gives you a head start, if you have heard that the internet is a great place to network and meet people you are a real smarty pants, but if you have figured out that the internet is the best possible place that you can go to market your business online, then you are at the top of the class. You see while many of us know that there is a possibility to make money online, you just have not figured out what it takes to really market your business online. I am…

Real Ways To Make Money Online Today

The internet is packed full of ways to make money online but you can easily find yourself drowning in the sea of information that is out there about all the different methods that are available to make your mullah. If the above sounds familiar and you find you in the deep water of online money making options at the moment then take a second and check out some of what I consider to be the real ways to make money online.

Optimizing Your Meta Tags for SEO

I will dissect a Meta tag and its attributes so that we can get a better understanding of what a Meta tags does for a website. If we look at the attributes of the Meta tag, then some may apply to the website and some may not.

Various SEO Services to Take Advantage Of

With the emergence of the various online businesses, there has been a continuous rise in the number of needs of businesses and people in order to achieve success. The internet has a lot of ways to possibly help businesses gain more sales and profit. One of the most used methods in the online business industry is the SEO or search engine optimization.

A Look Into Access Control Points And Systems

There are many reasons people need a loan. However it is not something that is dealt with on a daily basis so people often don’t have the information needed to make informative decisions regarding a loan company. Whether a loan is needed for the purchase of a home, home improvements, a car, school or getting a business started banks and credit unions are loan companies willing to lend to those who show credit worthiness.

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